Msunduzi Environmental Management Unit

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Our Environment is our Life

What is environmental Management?

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Environmental Management deals with the regulation process and protection of the environment, by promoting human behaviours that make a positive impact on the natural environment ...


Environmental Management is a sub-unit of the Town Planning & Environmental Management Unit located within the Sustainable Development & City Enterprises Business Unit.

The Environmental Management Unit provides an advisory service to internal and external parties on matters affecting or impacting on the natural and social environment based on approved Municipal Policies, Plans and Guidelines or Frameworks. The Unit also assesses and evaluates natural systems, habitats within the Municipal area to ensure services delivered by ecosystems are protected and enhanced, and that developments are environmentally sustainable, mitigated for and are resilient to the impact of climate change...

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Our Aim

Our aim is to provide a rapid and high quality response to development applications, which will inform internal and external parties of environmental and social constraints and opportunities on a site-by-site basis. To accurately evaluate all natural systems and habitats within the Municipal area, in order to introduce measures and systems to ensure their protection as well as ensuring sustainable economic development

Our Vision

By 2040 Msunduzi will be a safe, vibrant, sustainable and smart metropolis.
The Msunduzi Municipality Environmental Management Unit is passionate about promoting the culture of sustainable development, through reconciling development and environment within Msunduzi Local Municipality by ensuring “development that meets the needs of current generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meets their own needs and aspirations (WCED, 1987)”

Our Services

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Our services include monitoring compliance with the National Environmental Management Act (NEMA) and other relevant legislation on all projects within the Msunduzi Local Municipality. Further, we assess Special Consent, Rezoning, Land Purchase, Consolidation or Sub-Division and Building Plans Applications as well as providing input into Draft Environmental Impact Assessment Basic Assessments Reports (EIA’s/BAR) thus, providing advice to public and developers through use of the (EMF); (C-Plan); and (ESP). This Unit also facilitates meetings with the Departments of Water and Sanitation (DWS) and Economic Development, Tourism and Environmental Affairs (EDTEA) regarding Municipal Projects. It also provides input into other Municipal line Departments projects such as Local Area Planning’s (LAP’s) and Spatial Development Frameworks (SDF). This Unit also undertakes key projects such as The Municipal Climate Change Policy and Mitigation and Adaptation Strategy; a draft Municipal Ecosystem Services Plan; the Baynespruit

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Msunduzi Green Building Guidelines - 13 MB
Msunduzi Green Building Guidelines
POP Msunduzi final print - 6.3 MB
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